STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Sage “Sonic” Taveras
Sonic joined ACBXKids in January 2014 and recently celebrated his first year as a capoeirista. He is a seven-year-old second grader from Washington Heights who is home schooled and attends both Wednesday and Thursday kid’s classes. He participated in his first Batizado in October and advanced to the orange/blue tips cord. When Sonic is not trying to perfect his handstand he also loves to dance, practicing both hip hop and tap. He is also currently learning Portuguese so that he can someday travel the world with Instrutor Coco playing capoeira!
Sonic is also especially proud to have his baby picture on the cover of his mother’s new book, Holistic Baby Acupressure System: 12 Acupressure Points for Sleep Improvement and Wellness Support (you could embed a link to the
By Jennifer “Diretora” Rodriguez
On Saturday, February 7th students of ABADÁ-Capoeira from around the globe met in NYC to showcase their skills at the 7th annual Mestre Bimba Cup hosted by Mestra Edna Lima. The Mestre Bimba cup is first and foremost a celebration of Mestre Bimba’s dedication to put structure and organization to the martial art of capoeira into a style now known as capoeira regional. Mestre Bimba’s efforts legitimized capoeira from a once prohibited activity to a celebrated art of Brazilian culture and heritage that is recognized and practiced worldwide.
This is the first year that I was able to compete along with several of my colleagues, including my son, where we represented the Bronx chapter of ABADÁ-Capoeira NY. The thrill and the nerves of competing were very exciting and I am very glad for the experience. I would like to say congratulations to my son, Sapo and the rest of ACBX students Mosquito, Cuidadoso, Cebolinha, Foguino and Faisca for their triumphs! Parabens!
- Timothy Lewis “Cuidadoso”: 1st place Orange cord and Best Male in his category, 1st Place Cantador (singer)
- Marco Cisneros “Mosquito”: 2nd place Orange cord category, 2nd place Cantador (singer) and Best Male Toque (rhythm)
- Alex Marquez “Cebolinha”: 1st place, youth division
- Evan Rodriguez “Sapo”: 2nd place, youth division
- Kai Tsalach “Foguinho”: 3rd place, youth division
- Ori Tsalach “Faisca”: 3rd place, youth division